Anna Torv and Amy Smart
Amy Lysle Smart or Amy Smart as she is more popularly known she was born on the 26th of March, 1976 in Topanga California United States. Amy's American as well. Aries is her Zodiac. Amy has a age of 48. age, and stands 5 feet 6 inches high (1.68 m) as of today. She is also a Christian. In the same way, John Boden Smart and Judy Lysle Carrington are the names of her parents. Amy's mom, who was curator of museums, and father, a salesman. She grew up alongside her older brother Adam Smart. Amy was a kid who wanted to express her imagination as many times as she was able to. In the middle class with parents who worked, she was accustomed to being lonely, however, it was a benefit to her growth as an artist. Also she took up dance to combat anxiety, which helped her conquer her stage fear. Amy appears to be a woman with a good education. The school she attended or the precise whereabouts of her high school have been kept secret. Her dedication to academics began when she was just ...